Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Hey, it is the last day of school for kids and Woot!  I am on my way to bliss out at a 4 day yoga Festival!

There are no words to explain how we folks in education feel on this last day of school.  It is almost as much excitement as the kids have when they are done!  I work all summer long getting the technology ready for the next school year but just having it be the last day of school is sooo exciting!  It means time to slow down a bit and smell the roses.  Or read a good book.  Check out this site to give you some great reading ideas.

On these long hot summer days I hope you take time to renew and recharge and let your imagination go wild and have great dreams for what is to come!
Peace Out! Jean

Friday, June 10, 2011

New App Alert!!

New App Alert!  New App Alert!  If you have an IPad or IPhone try Leafsnap for f-r-e-e and start having fun identifying some trees in your area.
 I heard about this App from a few coworkers of mine and gave it a try and thought you might like to know about it.  LeafSnap is an electronic  field guides for trees being developed by researchers from Columbia University, the University of Maryland, and the Smithsonian Institution.  Leafsnap contains beautiful high-resolution images of leaves, flowers, fruit, petiole, seeds, and bark.
What is even cooler is that you can go outside and collect some leaf samples, then you place them on a piece of paper and take a picture of them.  Leafsnap helps you identify it by bringing up images of the likely tree it is from.  You can then see all these really cool images of the bark, flowers and parts of the tree.    Here is my picture of a red maple that I took:

Here is just a screen shot of some of the info that Leafsnap shows me about that species.  It is so cool and it has the scientific name and tons of details of about 185 species of trees.

Hope you get out and enjoy some summer weather and figure out the name of a tree or 2 with this fun app.   Peace, Jean