Monday, February 25, 2013

Backup your files, clean up your computer and delete what you don't need!

·         Clean your keyboard. After eating at your desk, crumpling papers, opening boxes, who knows what junk and residue is in your keyboard? Use a duster to eliminate any nasty particles and buildup in your keyboard to make it look like new again.
·         Go through all your emails. . Take some time out each day to delete old emails and unsubscribe from subscriptions that you get that are no longer of interest!
·         Clean up your digital trail. Remember that blog you started, wrote a few posts for, then never logged in again? Make sure if an employer Google’s your name that all content is appropriate and relevant. Deactivate any old accounts you no longer use, although keep in mind that information may not be gone forever.
·         Delete what you're not using . Go through your phone or tablet and delete any apps that you haven't used in a couple months, so they're not taking up space on your device. Same goes for files on your computer -- delete what you don't need.
·         Backup your files. Make sure that you are backing up your files to an external hard drive or out to the cloud.  You will thank me later.
If you would like help with doing any of these things, contact me at
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